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First Word, April 8th: Sing, Sing a New Song

By April 8, 2020First Word

I have been singing since I was able to make coherent words. It is one of the things in my life that has always made me feel complete, hopeful, alive, and many other fancy adjectives. Music brings me to a place in my mind that relieves all of the pain and stress of my life, even if only temporarily.

There are many days in which I feel overcome with emotions. I feel anxiety for the future as I near the completion of my undergraduate career. I feel sadness for the world and for those experiencing pain and loss. I feel frustration at the inability to hug my people, to show them my affection and love. But I also feel hopeful, because I see people reaching out, sharing in their experiences, being vulnerable and human. We are still finding ways to be connected. Though the tune of our world is changing, it is not a song of despair, but of community, patience, and love.

“The Road Home” adapted by Stephen Paulus from the text written by Michael Dennis Browne is that reminder to me, that although there may not always be the straight and narrow path, and feelings of uncertainty and dismay may be strong, there is always a reminder of who and what we are, and how genuinely beautiful that is.

Tell me where is the road I can call my own,
That I left, that I lost, So long ago?
All these years I have wandered, Oh when will I know
There’s a way, there’s a road that will lead me home?

After wind, after rain, When the dark is done,
As I wake from a dream In the gold of day,
Through the air there’s a calling, From far away,
There’s a voice I can hear that will lead me home.

Rise up, follow me, Come away is the call,
With love in your heart As the only song;
There is no such beauty as where you belong,
Rise up, follow me, I will lead you home.

The Creator will guide us wherever we are meant to be. I hope you can find comfort in that, dear friend.

I hope that you have a song that gives you comfort. Share the songs you hold dear to your heart with others; music can heal in so many ways.

May the music of your life bring you joy and comfort.


Jared Torgeson is a Senior at Concordia College in Moorhead, MN, majoring in Theatre Arts and Spanish. Jared served on 2019 Summer Staff and is on board for this summer, too! Jared has a passion for ensuring a place for all people at the table, creating spaces for people to feel loved and empowered, and learning to become a better human through interpersonal relationships. Some of Jared’s favorite things are cats, sleeping in a hammock, and belting show tunes in the car.

One Comment

  • Margie Fiedler says:

    Jared, thank you so much. So well written. Eager to see you. God Bless! Christ has Risen!!